3 Million Years Reviews Adventures of Track Suit Man

3 Million Years is a website that focuses on digital comic offerings.  The owner/founder professes that he lives too far away from a local comic shop to make going there feasible.  So for this reason he has turned his attention to digital comics.  Finding much more to offer than the big two he has read and reviewed many many books which are outside of the mainstream but worth a look.

Here’s what he said about Track Suit Man:

“The style of the reading is an excellent experience – it reads smooth and its funny, this is a different entertaining read.”

Click here to read the full review

Also Visit the 3 Million years website to read some of the other reviews.


4 Responses to 3 Million Years Reviews Adventures of Track Suit Man

  1. Lanit says:

    What I would not give to have a debate with you about this. You just say so many things that arrive from nowhere that I am fairly sure I’d have a fair shot. Your comic is fantastic visually, I mean people won’t be bored.

  2. tasi says:

    Nice! Just wanted to respond. I thoroughly loved your website. Keep up the great work on tracksuitman.com.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Hi good morning, Brilliant comic! You have gained a fresh subscriber. Please keep it up and I look forward to more of your incredible posts. Best wishes

  4. Varia Clark says:

    Thanks for such a great comic. I will be listing this in my monthly newsletter. Many thanks and i hope to help spread the word.

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