What is this all about… check out our video

What the heck is this Track Suit Man comic all about?
Well we’ve made a YouTube video to help explain it to you… with a catchy little tune.
Panels On Pages Reviews The Adventures of Track Suit Man
PanelsOnPages.com is your one stop shop for all things nerd – comics, movie, TV, and more.
Recently they reviewed Track Suit Man.
I won’t reprint the entire interview but here are some of the comments:
“The way the set of micro-tales in Track Suit Man is told is brilliant in how entertaining it is. Aside from the art and page layouts, Mihalovich narrates the stories in first-person, and his observations are tremendous in setting the mood. Even better, the concise but witty style of commentary he uses in his narration is perfect in this environment. Nothing too dramatic, but the gravity of Track Suit Man‘s antics are not overlooked, either. The overall package presented these pages is brilliantly entertaining”
To read the entire interview please click here or go to
3 Million Years Reviews Adventures of Track Suit Man
3 Million Years is a website that focuses on digital comic offerings. The owner/founder professes that he lives too far away from a local comic shop to make going there feasible. So for this reason he has turned his attention to digital comics. Finding much more to offer than the big two he has read and reviewed many many books which are outside of the mainstream but worth a look.
Here’s what he said about Track Suit Man:
“The style of the reading is an excellent experience – it reads smooth and its funny, this is a different entertaining read.”
Click here to read the full review
Also Visit the 3 Million years website to read some of the other reviews.
Check out reviews
New reviews have been added to the site. Check out the review page for links to reviews and interviews.
Adventures of Track Suit Man Reviewed in Adventures in Poor Taste
Adventures in Poor Taste delivers original content relating to geek culture, and pop culture proper. Reviews, lists/countdowns, opinions and more in the world of video games, comics, movies, music, television, pro wrestling, tech and more. No topic is sacred.
Recently they reviewed The Adventures of Track Suit Man
“after reading this you’ll wonder if this book should be distributed at airports so when Track Suit Man does rear his head, we can all shame him or her into being a normal person…”
“it’s a good wink and nod to those who need to commiserate over how awful human beings can be…”
For the entire review go to
Track Suit Man is on #carryOnShame
The SF Chronicle has started a national movement to “shame” passengers who bring on too many carry-ons or ones that are too large.
The movement is on Twitter and their blog and has gained national attention.
We are proud that the Track Suit Man takes his rightful place in this hall of fame.
Here is the link
Review Page added to the site
A page for reviews and feedback has been added to the site. This page will be updated as more reviews are received.
Everybody Loves The Track Suit Man!
Track Suit Man is back!
This is the story of the most selfish inconsiderate frequent flier, and it has FINALLY come to life in comic book form. If you haven’t been following the viral social media posts about this frequent flier now is the time to “jump on board”.
He carries on too many bags, he pushes everyone out of the way. What will he do next?
Follow The Adventures of Track Suit Man comic and stay tuned to this website for more exciting TSM News.